No âmbito das WebDev Tech Talks, uma iniciativa organizada pela Licenciatura em Tecnologias e Sistemas de Informação para a Web, vai decorrer no próximo dia 23 de abril uma talk sob o tema Fast and Reliable Releases - A DevOps and Agile culture.
A talk é assegurada por João Ribeiro, Software Developer da Techbiosis.
Este evento é aberto a toda a comunidade da Escola Superior de Media Artes e Design e do Politécnico do Porto, decorrendo pelas 11h no anfiteatro B201.
Agile software development has broken down some of the silos between requirements analysis, testing and development. Deployment, operations and maintenance are other activities which have suffered a similar separation from the rest of the software development process. The DevOps movement is aimed at removing these silos and encouraging collaboration between development and operations. DevOps has become possible largely due to a combination of new operations tools and established agile engineering practices, but these are not enough to realize the benefits of DevOps. Even with the best tools DevOps is just another buzzword if you don't have the right culture.