Entrada > News > 2022/2023 Erasmus Mobility Pre-Applications
Publicado em: 28 Fevereiro 2022

2022/2023 Erasmus Mobility Pre-Applications

Pre-applications from 1 March 2022.

Students interested in doing Erasmus Mobility for Studies and/or Mobility for Traineeships in the academic year 2022/2023 can present their pre-application from 1 to 15 March 2022 by completing and submitting the application form available here

For ranking purposes, students will also have to send, within the same period, to the email of the Coordinator of International Programs of ESMAD, Professor Filipe Cunha Monteiro Lopes, the portfolio and motivation letter prepared in accordance with the rules at Regulamentação.

Students interested in doing Erasmus Mobility for Studies (SMS) and Mobility for Traineeships (SMT) must do an application for each type of mobility.

Students interested in doing Erasmus Mobility for Studies (SMS) must check ESMAD partners lista parcerias ESMAD.

After submitting the pre-application form (mandatory), students must access the option Services at Moodle ESMAD to enrol in Services course unit “Candidaturas Mobilidade Outgoing” and upload and submit the application documents required.

Application documents:
- Learning Agreement Student Mobility for Studies or Learning Agreement Student Mobility for Traineeships
- Equivalence Plan attached to the Learning Agreement (only applicable for SMS)
- Declaration of honor (only applicable for SMS)
- Acceptance document by the Host Institution with beginning and end date (DD/MM/YYYY) 

Deadline for uploading documents in Moodle:
- Mobility for studies in the 1st semester or full year: March 15, 2022
- Mobility for studies in the 2nd semester: 15 May 2022
- Mobility for traineeship: up to 2 months before the mobility start date 

For more information check ESMAD website.
For further information contact Campus 2 IRO: internacional-campus2@sc.ipp.pt.

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