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Master in Design - Specialization in Product Design




Accredited for: 6 year(s) in

Consult reports https://www.a3es.pt/pt/resultados-acreditacao/design-48

214 Design
Number: R/A-Cr 16/2016/AL02 DE 21-06-2023
No. dispatch/concierge: DESPACHO N.º 8751/2023 (2.ª SÉRIE), N.º 167
1º Year
Curricular unit Period ECTS
Digital Laboratory 1st Semester 5.0
Personal Design Project 1st Semester 10.0
Project I 1st Semester 10.0
Theory and Criticism of Design I 1st Semester 5.0
Design Research Methodologies 2st Semester 5.0
Project II 2st Semester 20.0
Theory and Criticism of Design II 2st Semester 5.0
2º Year
Curricular unit Period ECTS
Project/Dissertation/Internship Annual 60.0
  Product and/or industrial design studios, integrated into companies in sectors such as furniture, toys, cutlery, footwear, textiles, lighting, ceramics, glass, plastics, automotive industry, packaging design, interior and space design offices, architecture offices, as a freelancer, or in the area of research, education and training in the field of product design.

Combined Shape
