Entrada > Courses > Degree > DEGREE IN DESIGN



Acreditado por: 6 ano(s) em

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214 Design
Número: R/A-EF 773/2011/AL03 DE 08-05-2023
N.º Despacho/Portaria: .
1º Ano
Unidade curricular Período ECTS
Drawing I 1st Semester 6.0
Design Study 1st Semester 3.0
Design History I 1st Semester 3.0
Industrial Design Project Introduction 1st Semester 10.0
Digital Workshop for Industrial Design I 1st Semester 4.0
Processes and Materials for Industrial Design 1st Semester 4.0
Contemporary Art and Culture 2st Semester 4.0
Drawing II 2st Semester 6.0
Photography 2st Semester 3.0
Design History II 2st Semester 3.0
Digital Workshop for Industrial Design II 2st Semester 4.0
Industrial Design Project I 2st Semester 10.0
2º Ano
Unidade curricular Período ECTS
Design Critique 1st Semester 3.0
Product Design 1st Semester 4.0
Digital Workshop for Industrial Design III 1st Semester 4.0
Industrial Design Project II 1st Semester 10.0
Visualisation 1st Semester 5.0
Graphic Animation (optional) 1st Semester 4.0
Communication Design Laboratory I (optional) 1st Semester 4.0
Industrial Design Laboratory I (optional) 1st Semester 4.0
Video Lab (optional) 1st Semester 4.0
Furnitue Design 2st Semester 4.0
Materials Lab 2st Semester 5.0
Digital Workshop for Industrial Design IV 2st Semester 4.0
Industrial Design Project III 2st Semester 10.0
Design and Seminars 2st Semester 3.0
Sound and Image Arts (optional) 2st Semester 4.0
Web Development Introduction (optional) 2st Semester 4.0
Communication Design Laboratory II (optional) 2st Semester 4.0
Industrial Design Laboratory II (optional) 2st Semester 4.0
Interactiv Multimedia (optional) 2st Semester 4.0
3º Ano
Unidade curricular Período ECTS
Interaction Design For Industrial Design 1st Semester 4.0
Sustentability and Design 1st Semester 5.0
Design Management 1st Semester 3.0
Laboratory of Models and Prototypes 1st Semester 5.0
Investigation Methods at Design 1st Semester 3.0
Real and Collaborative Project in Industrial Design 1st Semester 10.0
Final Project/Internship 2st Semester 30.0

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